Curlon are approaching our 30th year of building and this puts us in the enviable position of being able to build on our past to create the houses of the future.

Focussed on using the most advanced materials and building techniques Curlon pride ourselves on being in front of the crowd when it comes to energy efficiency and sustainable buildings.

It has always been Curlon’s mission statement to produce unique property solutions that are never repeated within the company.

We have won multiple awards at the International Property Awards – twice in 2010 in association with Bloomberg, Google and Maserati and again in 2016 in association with The Telegraph. Often referred to as the ‘Oscars of property awards’, and we are thrilled to be one of the few independent companies who have managed to wrestle awards from the larger house builders that tend to dominate.

Moving forward we are still as determined to find the newest breakthroughs in building as ever and with an exciting array of future projects already on the go the next few years promise to extend on our recent awards win and stamp Curlon’s presence as a house builder who is second to none.


Curlon win multiple awards at the prestigious International Property Awards

Curlon are delighted to announce that we have won again at the International Property Awards in association with The Telegraph…